Monday, January 28, 2013

About Gun Control: An Opinion

First I would like to make it absolutely clear that I am as heartbroken over Sandy Hook as anybody. For awhile I shed tears every time I saw or read something.
Just for ‘awhile?’  you say?
 Yes, unfortunately, the gun-hating liberals jumped right on that bandwagon and have came out viciously for new gun control laws and bans, and the media day-after-day keeps reminding us, as if they think the rest of us (that is, gun owners) don't care about those murdered first and second graders. We care, and we want our children safe too.
But no more time for tears. The people who believe in gun rights have to stand up to protect them.
No matter how Senator Diane Feinstein, Democrat, California, might deny it, her ultimate goal is confiscation of “all” guns. More about her later.
If there ever would be a time to disarm America’s Minutemen, the world we live in today is not that time.
Three Middle Eastern countries, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, all have governments that are extremely shaky. (And, as we know, Pakistan has nuclear weapons.) Iran badly wants nuclear weapons, if she doesn't already have them. Syria is a powder keg. The law in Syria is no civilians may have guns, so, in order for the rebels to have guns they first had to kill a Syrian soldier (a countryman) in order to take “his” gun. And how many of Syria’s rebels are linked to Al Qaeda? We don’t know. Egypt is now under control by the Muslim Brotherhood and they have written Sharia law into their new constitution. So no friend there. Lebanon and Jordan, stable for the present. But let’s not forget North Korea. She has nuclear weapons, has successfully tested a long range rocket, and is preparing for another nuclear test. Oh, yes, and two other nuclear powers who don’t like us: Russia and China.
     Four Americans murdered in
Benghazi. Threats to the life of the US ambassador in Yemen. Likely still anarchy in Somalia, but the media evidently is staying away.... Hostages in Algeria, taken because of France coming to the aid of Mali. Al Qaeda taunting us and basically daring us to help France (which we are) with words such as "...bring it on...we're waiting for you..." Whether it’s common knowledge yet or not, Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups are on the march all across northern Africa and the Horn of Africa. About Iran: If Iran gets her nukes then other Middle Eastern and northern African nations will want them too, and who can blame them?
One more thing about Al Qaeda (or terrorists in general.) I wonder how many sleeper cells—right now—are laying low and being good American citizens just waiting for the signal to come out and start killing Americans anywhere they can find them and by whatever means. Remember, liberals, a staunch Islamic terrorist has been promised 90 virgins to be waiting for them in their heaven if they die while committing Jihad, in other words , while “killing the infidels.”
     Oh, yes, and
Israel, our best—our only—-dependable friend in the Middle East, is surrounded by people who hate her. If Israel is forced to go it alone against Iran…well, I don’t even want to think about that.
All this happening in the world around us and the Liberals (and the UN--God help us!) want to disarm the American Minuteman. OK, I know they say things like "...we're 'not' against the 2nd Amendment..." yet, one law at a time they are chipping away at it—oh wait! The police and the military will keep their guns. (There are a good many used-to-be free people who have heard something similar.)
Photo has nothing to do with the post; just wanted to show a little peace on earth.

More about Feinstein: Her new bill about "assault weapons" will allow people who presently own them to keep them, but you will have to register them, get a background check, have a photo taken, get fingerprinted, etc., and it will cost you. Unsure of this. I heard a $200 tax. That’s what she says, but when the next mass shooting happens, her next move will be to confiscate those newly-registered weapons.
She also will eventually want your great-grampa’s antique Long Tom 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun, that she wants, for now, to be “grandfathered” in. Oh, and did you know she has a concealed-carry permit? I wonder who she’s afraid of. I wonder if she carries it in the Senate chambers, and I wonder if the gun she carries is one of the 158 types of guns she wants to ban…? I tried to read that bill. Her staff has made it mind-boggling.
Don’t make no mistake, folks, Feinstein, along with Mayor Bloomberg of New York, Sarah Brady, and many other powerful interests with lots of money, want your guns: All of them!
And the way events have been unfolding—so timely and all—it almost seems like a conspiracy…. This leads to that leads to this leads to that leads to…Confiscation!
“ADHD has never been proven; it is intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.” From Dr Edward C. Hamlyn, founder of the college of general practitioners. Which brings us to the psychotropic and antidepressant drugs related to mass shootings and mass shooters.
Ritalin, Zoloft, Luvox, Effexor, and Prozac, the biggie.
Side effects include confusion, depersonalization, hostility, hallucinations, delusions, suicidal & homicidal ideations. They all sound guilty, but those last two sound especially guilty.
So far we know Adam Lanza of Newtown was on drugs but we don’t know what kind. There had to have been an autopsy, so it is known what kind, but, the powers that be, so far, are not sharing.
An interesting side note about James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter. The Denver Post reported that the police removed four prescription bottles and immunization records from Holmes’ apartment days after the shooting. At the trial the names of the medications were redacted for “privacy reasons.” What does that mean? That Holmes deserves some sort of ‘privacy?’ The two aforementioned shooters are not mentioned in the following link. However, plenty of shooters "are" mentioned and the drugs involved. Be sure to watch the video.
According to a Seattle Times editorial posted in my local paper, The Forum, Fargo, North Dakota, January 26, 2013 “…the gunmen in the Newtown and Aurora, Colorado massacres used 30-round and 100-round magazines.” This does not seem “quite” correct to me, more like the ranting of a liberal newspaper fantasizing. They even suggest gun owners should buy liability insurance, but the only way to collect would be to shoot somebody. Oh wait, that insurance money would be there for the “victim” to collect, to sue. Well, good luck suing a criminal.
As for posting guards in school: Why not? Why not post them everywhere? Government buildings have them, why not schools, churches, celebrations? Put “well-trained” guards everywhere. Hey, folks, we are living in a different and more dangerous world. This is not Disneyland.
Feinstein was interviewed on CBS’s Face The Nation, Sunday, January 27, 2013. She mentioned that there are 150,000 gang members in the nation, and they outgun the police. Why not arrest those gang members and put them into a fenced enclosure, then, maybe, interview each one and separate out some of the kids who maybe are there involuntarily? Gangs should not control the ghettos! Arrest them, and alleviate one problem.
With this post I am probably losing some lady Facebook “friends.” Sorry.
The rest of you, gun owners or not, please share this post and let your senators, representatives, governors, etc., know how you feel.
Latest threat, just today, Obama now wants to use an executive order to bypass Congress and the Constitution to get the gun control he wants. In other words, it appears he wants to be “King” Obama!
As a last word: American Minutemen live forever!

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Friday, January 25, 2013

A Terrible Revenge: A Book Review

Ethnic cleansing has happened many, many times on this tired old planet, and it will, unfortunately, continue to happen as long as people speak a different language, worship their god differently, or have—Oh my god, different customs.
Many movies and books have appeared about World War II and The Holocaust. Yes, the Jews were systematically being exterminated: Millions and millions kicked out of their homes, hauled away in railroad cars to work camps and death camps. Throughout history the Jews have had to struggle against those who hated them for the simple reason of their being a Jew.
But this post is not about Jews.
I remember seeing old footage of refugees somewhere in Europe walking aimlessly and carrying suitcases and holding onto young children. I was young too. I didn’t know who these people were, except as the adults said: Refugees. More importantly, I didn’t care. I was young, I didn’t know those people—and I just didn’t care. I had other things to do.
Unfortunately, my attitude was the same as most others. Nobody knew those people walking, carrying belongings, hanging onto young children, and few people cared.
Until I read the book “A Terrible Revenge” by Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, loaned to me by a friend whose wife was there and witnessed the carnage. I had no idea those people, those refugees walking, were very likely ethnic Germans who had been kicked out of their homes, sometimes with as little as fifteen minutes notice. Well, didn’t Germany start the war? Didn’t they deserve receiving a little hardship after all the devastation they caused?
Well, yes, Germany started it, but it wasn’t the German people, and it certainly wasn’t the ethnic “eastern” Germans living “then” in what is now western Poland, parts of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and Russia.
Here’s what happened. Hundreds—yes, hundreds—of years ago, these nations, these “lands” just mentioned, evidently put out the word for people to come for free land if they would but conquer the wilderness, and the industrious Germans came, by the hundreds, probably thousands. They conquered the wilderness, built homes, started businesses, and became citizens of the new lands, but they didn’t deny their language or their culture as Germans.
What happened was very similar to what happened in America mainly in the Nineteenth Century. Homesteaders were offered free land in the west: Just go and claim it. In that case it was the Native American who had to leave. On both sides many people were slaughtered.
But this post is also not about the Native American.
This photo has little to do with the post, except that it shows the quiet and peace before a storm.

When World War II came, or “ended” (the cleansing went on from near the end of the war, 1944, to long after the war, 1950.) One “could” say it happened quietly and far behind the scenes. After all, they were Germans: They started it. They were just getting what they gave.
The peaceful Germans from the east didn’t start it, but they definitely paid for all the transgressions by the Nazis. The book was hard to read in the sense of the violence perpetrated on these people, ‘hard to read,’ yet also hard to put down.
I have to believe it was because of the Russian army likely being right over the hill that drove the Poles, Czechs, etc., to turn into such unfeeling monsters. (The Russian soldiers were unfeeling monsters too, but remember who was pushing them.) The soldiers (whoever; I’m not going to specify who did what) would come in the night, order the family to pack maybe one bag (and it could weigh just so much, or else) and get out of their house and off their land. Then the families would be separated. The husbands and fathers went to certain work camps. The women and girls after being raped would go to different work camps. The smallest children would stay with grandparents, who then were sent somewhere else or just sent onto the road.
Sound inhumane? What I just described were the lucky ones. Sometimes the family would be massacred, tortured first, then bayoneted, shot, beat to death, eyes gouged out, crucified, the women raped by any number of men one after the other and “then” murdered. I guess the worst I read was two girls tied together, then their arms and legs tied to two vehicles which then pulled the two girls apart.
But, hey! They were all Germans! They had just put all of Europe through hell! They deserved to get what they gave!
Sometimes, the so-called lucky ones would be separated for years in distant Russian work camps, mines, so-called reparations for war damage. Then again, the so-called lucky ones were often just told to leave, to go somewhere else, to carry their one piece of baggage and go, to give birth along the road, to starve there, to freeze there, to give up and lie down and die there.
The next time you think your life is awful, Americans, women especially, think of this: When these people were sometimes herded onto railroad cars, for days, weeks at a time, with very little to eat, packed so closely they couldn’t even sit down, men, women, children, old and sick people all together, if they were lucky the train would sometimes stop for a potty break. If the train more likely did not stop, their “potty” was a hole in the floor of the corner of the railroad car.
I said that to the American women, mainly, because when these things happened everybody was treated the same: Didn’t matter if you were a woman, a child, a pregnant woman, or sick. If you were ethnic eastern German you were going to pay! Either by instant death, or brutality that made one probably pray for death.
Number of ethnic Germans in the eastern territories: 9,575,000
Number that died through flight and expulsion: 2,111,000
Yes, millions died, and more millions actually eventually made it to a bit of safety in West Germany, but, to them, Germany itself was a foreign land.
That was a main plan by old man Stalin of Russia. His plan was for the defeated Germany to be overwhelmed by an influx of eastern ethnic Germans. His plan didn’t work. Instead West Germany soon became an industrial powerhouse.
In the end, it needs to be told that these ethnic eastern Germans lived sometimes for hundreds of years, generation after generation, right next to the native inhabitants of Poland, etc. They all were friendly and neighborly; they were citizens…but I guess war changes all of that.
A strange thing, in “my” mind anyway: After the brutality shown these Germans for years and years many were finally just released to find their family and maybe a new life. But did the inhuman monsters who released them think that nobody would ever “tell” on them? They must have thought that. And for a good many years nobody “did” tell. But this book is full of testimonials by people who were there and have finally “told.”
In the very end I will copy almost word for word the last paragraph in the book, before credits, etc. (Anything in parentheses will be my addition.)
The expulsions and deportations for slave labour were carried out systematically, as official Allied policy (in other words “OKed” by the Americans and British) …as part of the peace settlement (mainly to appease the Russians.) Even if Americans and Britons did not directly perpetrate these crimes, we become responsible by virtue of joint decisions at Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam (the peace talk locations.) The “ethnic cleansing” constituted a crime against humanity, but the victims have remained unpitied and unknown. Seldom is there compassion for the vanquished. Seldom any justice in retribution.

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Story Behind my Novel Callipygia

Callipygia is a place, or maybe just a state of mind, for if you go there, and partake,
you will become changed…forever.

When I began this novel I was, basically, locked up. But not in jail. I was in a facility, voluntarily, where I couldn't eat or drink what I wanted, couldn't go when and where I wanted without a chaperon...couldn't do anything you today can do anytime you want. Day after day, hour after hour, I thought about food. I thought about syrup-drenched pancakes, hamburgers, bacon, chocolate, all my favorite foods. And OMG! cigarettes! I put out my last cigarette as I was walking in the door and went very, very, cold turkey. So there you have two of the things people will miss the most, if they are suddenly deprived of having anything they want, any "time" they want.
But there is a third: For nearly six months I thought about women! Not continuously, of course, there were many things to keep us occupied, but I was horny! If I wasn't totally busy with something else there was that proverb about men, that they think about sex every ten seconds (I don't remember exactly how it goes, but I was thinking about sex every "one" second. That's probably an exaggeration. Every "one" second would make it almost continuous, but it was close. Anyway, thanks to my isolation, Callipygia was born.
If I wasn't busy, or thinking about food or cigarettes I was thinking about women. So, I started writing about women, in fact, two young and very beautiful women.
I have seen my share of pornography and I will admit it, I only like girl on girl, especially if they are nice to each other. (Some aren't.) (Hey, Charlie Harper/Sheen said it on "Two and a Half Men," so I figure I could say it too.) And if a guy is part of, I move to the next one. But, of course, pornography is "not" about movies. To heck with a script, we want action! Callipygia has plenty of action, but action is not the right word. There is drama, despair, treachery, loneliness, humor, sex, violence, sexual violence, romance, and a love scene to end all love scenes.
Sorry, I suppose I shouldn't brag about my own work, but I can't help it. When Stephanie and Megan finally get together with complete privacy, they give and receive love like there is no tomorrow.
Stephanie Daniels is the main character. She grew up without loving parents and has never found good love with a man. That does "not" make her a lesbian. There can be endless reasons for never finding good love with a man, and my story does not dwell on those possible reasons. Stephanie works for a newspaper located in Wyoming; she has moved up from stock-girl and runner to journalist. Norm, her editor, serves as a fill-in parent and Stephanie adores him. But Norm's part in the story is short. He sends her to the South Dakota Black Hills to investigate a large number of missing women, to track a rumor of a lesbian sex-slave camp hidden in the forest...and, is there a connection?
Stephanie has a boyfriend, Billie, who is just that: A boyfriend. He doesn't love her and she doesn't love him, but, evidently, neither wants to be alone. (She's always had a boyfriend in her past, but never a good one.) There again, my story does not dwell on her past. She gets her assignment and she goes. For several weeks she visits the families of the missing women. Again, the story does not dwell upon those visits. There also has been stories of abducted men claiming to have been used as studs, and we do see her interview with one of those men. And for a brief flash Stephanie imagines a relationship with him, then decides he is like all the rest.
Time passes and she has found no good leads on the lesbian sex-slave camp, and absolutely no connection to the missing women. One dreary night she is sitting in a bar wondering if she should quit and go home when Megan arrives. Megan, a petite blonde, introduces herself to the depressed-looking Stephanie, they talk, and Megan invites her to visit Callipygia, a place with a humanistic goal but questionable methods, and, well, now I should stop saying more.
Eventually, though, Stephanie will find herself wondering if her job still awaits her, and responsible for two pregnant women.
We do need to know a bit more about Stephanie, though, to try to understand her better. The story begins with Stephanie and her boyfriend having sex--that's right, they had "sex," they did "not" make love. How true that scene will ring for people I don't know, but I do suspect it's truer than most of us would like to admit. Then, on her way to her assignment, she falls into a short relationship with seemingly innocent travelers, Robbie and Jill, actually recruiters for the worldwide sex market. Stephanie--naively--sees them as her first contact. I needn't say more about that.


Stephanie Daniels felt her mouth fall open. She had just received the shock of her young life.
“We want to create a more sensitive society,” Megan added.
My God. Stephanie’s mind flew to the interviewed men with stories of being used as studs. She had believed them, yes, at least believed that they really believed it, but had also sometimes considered them quite humorous and chauvinistic. Stud service. What a laugh. But no longer.
“Oh, we aren't like Hitler—“ Megan began.
“Why aren't you? Do the men have a choice in the matter?”
“Well, not really. But we don’t force them, exactly.”
“My God, Megan,” Stephanie pushed away, “Meg, I can’t stay here.” She moved to the tent flap, wriggled her way through, and then fully realized she was in deep forest with no idea which direction to go. She hadn't even kept track of their direction yesterday. Just not thinking clearly at all.
“I can’t let you leave, Steph,” Megan appeared at the tent flap, dragging her backpack.
“You can’t stop me, Meg.”
“Yes, I can.” Megan slipped through the tent opening, reached into her backpack, and produced a very small handgun, “You must not leave, Steph.” She introduced a cylinder to the barrel and began twisting it on.
Free download announcement at the end of this post.
If one looks closely, the title of this book can be seen on the left ring finger of the brunette and lead character, Stephanie Daniels.


3.0 out of 5 stars Well written, but graphic. Interesting main character, August 14, 2012
By P. Eddy (Seattle) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME)
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Callipygia (Kindle Edition)
I really want half stars... I'd definitely bump this up a half star.

It's well written. The visualization is beautiful. But as a woman, I felt some of the descriptions of the sex was... well... written by a man. Does that mean it wasn't good? Not at all. But I was just aware that I felt it was written by a man. As it's a book about (largely) lesbian relationships, this rang a little for me. At the same time, the way in which it was written also helped offset some of the darker parts of the book. So I wouldn't necessarily categorize this as a negative, but more just as a note. "It is what it is."

I also wasn't totally impressed by the main character's choices in life. I felt like many of her choices were only to further the story, and not choices she'd actually make. She went along with things without question, and as a journalist, I feel like she should have questioned things more. However, at the same time, she was also going through some major life issues, and so I'm chalking her choices up to that. We didn't get enough of her backstory up front. However, that's one of those issues that I'm willing to forgive, if the story is good enough.

That said, the story was excellent. There's a lot of sex and violence in the book, as well as sexual violence. So potential readers should be aware of this. But there is also a lot of love and hope. It highlights some of the horrible parts of this world, and tries to present a solution to them, and even though the solution isn't perfect, and in fact, has major problems of its own, the characters believe it is the right solution.

I would read more from this author.

More from the author, how I feel about some things: The woman who wrote the preceding review (and I hugely appreciate that she took the time to write a review) but she mentions that the story is "(largely) about lesbian relationships." I don't agree. I consider the story is about women who have never found good love with a man. Personally I have been very fortunate in the love-category. I've found good love three times, with three good women.  None were for life, unfortunately, but I haven't given up.
What I'm going to say next might anger some people, probably men and women both, but I think a woman (not all of course) does not have to be a bona fide lesbian to seek love/affection from another woman. I think women want and need love and if they have a really good lady friend who she trusts without reserve, she will seek love/affection with her. And I would not in any way look down on her.
(As for men in that situation, I don't know, I don't care, and I have no desire to find out...although there are some weenie-ass men kissing on public stage and screen these days--I first gag, then turn away. Sorry, guys, you gay men can do what you want, you can have sex, you can marry--I don't care, just don't expect anything from me, other than tolerance. In fact, and I'm not completely sure, but I think I have actually known a couple of gay men. One even hit on me, but other than that, they were not bad guys. As for the guy who hit on me...later I asked the bartender; his answer: "Yes, he's gay.")
I have seen a few "Girls Gone Wild" videos. Folks, those girls are not lesbians! Oh, maybe some are, but the majority I will say to my dying day are NOT! For one thing--I suspect--they got paid, and maybe/probably had been doing a little drinking beforehand. Money means a lot. I also believe a majority of women in girl-on-girl pornography are not lesbians. And for another thing girls just plain like affection, from the time they are born. (I once read a letter to Ann Landers where the worried mother described seeing her seven-year-old daughter hugging and kissing with another little seven-year-old girl. I don't remember Ann's exact answer, but she "did" tell the mother not to worry. [Yes, I used to read Ann Landers; now I read "Annie's Mailbox," staffed by two young ladies, long time editors for Ann, but I don't consider them quite as good...Oh well. Yes, I read everything I can about sex and loving relationships, just in case I am ever blessed to meet another good woman--I want to be ready!] )  I suspect men kinda like affection too, but, being "boys," as children, we have to tend to try to push it away. We "do" like it, though--as long as we don't have to admit it!--but, the older we get--women and men both--the less we are able to find true and dependable love, honesty, and affection. Sorry, but, unpleasant as it is, I consider that last statement just a matter of fact. Period.
So, anyway, I'm saying I do not consider Callipygia a story about lesbians, but simply about a group of women who have not found good love with a man.
I leave you with my one and only quotation:
I have loved, I have been loved; should I never love again, I am fortunate.

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Callipygia will be a free download this weekend beginning Friday night at midnight, meaning Saturday and Sunday, January 19 & 20, 2013. That's 48 hours, folks, hope you enjoy! After the freebie it's $0.99 digital & $15.00 paperback. Feel free to comment here on the blog and/or write a review at Amazon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Goals of the Illuminati

An excerpt from my upcoming, yet-untitled and unfinished novel: A short conversation between two members of the Illuminati, the real power behind the scenes of government, education, religion, the list goes on. They are discussing their brainwashed victims who have been programmed to kill as many people as possible and then to either go insane or commit suicide so they can’t be questioned by the police. Here the immediate goal of the Illuminati is to disarm the American civilian. Without Minutemen, America will fall. And without America, every other nation on earth will eventually fall.
Think about it.
A bit early to go to half-staff. America hasn't died yet, but in my 68 years I have not seen the future look more bleak.

“Doesn’t matter,” the older man said, “Our goal is to have as many mass shootings as possible. Check to see if these two young men have any friends or family who would miss them if they were to…disappear. If we aren’t able to use them we can just eliminate them.”
“I will take care of that, sir.”
“Very well.” The older man put his right hand on his chin, and nodded, “I believe our mission is moving ahead as planned, as much as possible. Even some of the staunch Republicans are beginning to take more gun control seriously, and after we turn our boy, Whit, here, loose, even the NRA might take notice. Hell, the President might soon demand registration of all guns, and then it’s just a matter of time till the order goes out for the army to do a house-to-house confiscation. And once the American civilians are disarmed, well, our plan can then move forward quite nicely, and quickly.”
“Yes, sir. We should thank their god for today’s mass media, which has allowed us to move faster than any generation before us.”
“Yes, mass media. When their electronic toys turn against them, the people of America are going to more surprised than any other group.”

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A reminder for when you go to Amazon to read digital books, mine and many other authors: Amazon has a free APP download that allows you to read your book on any electronic device, including PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.
Occasionally I list one of my books as free for a  day, sometimes more than a day. Look for those announcements on my blog, HubPages, Twitter, and Facebook

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Peace Talks With the Taliban? An Opinion

One thing Americans tend to forget is that terrorists (and other tyrants) do not think like we do. To them, people are simply a means to whatever end the terrorist desires. I wonder, were terrorists ever loved as children? Did they even have a childhood? Or have they been taught from birth to hate the infidels?
Remember peace talks with the Communist North Vietnamese? Instead of continuing to bomb the hell out of the north we talked peace: We wanted an honorable outlet. Instead of honor our retreat ended up on the roof of the American embassy in Saigon, desperately shuttling out the last of the Americans and a very few lucky South Vietnamese. How many South Vietnamese fell later when the north invaded with a wrath I don't know. Then there's the remaining Americans "Missing in Action." Oh yes, and the 58,220 Americans Killed over there, not to mention the uncounted wounded, maimed, and how many still with PTSD?
So, really, where was the honor in those peace talks?
Sorry to bring up that very unpopular war, folks, but we--possibly--are about to do the same thing in Afghanistan. We are encouraging the Afghan President, Hamid Karsai, to talk peace with the Taliban. Meanwhile, in 2014 the remaining American troops are scheduled to be gone (and, by recent talks, earlier still.) The so-called light footprint. (Not sure what's meant by "light footprint.") How many soldiers are we leaving behind for continued training, etc., I don't know. Probably not many, and will that number be large enough to even defend themselves, should the Taliban decide to mount a human wave assault? I'm pretty sure a huge percentage of Americans want "all" our military personnel out of that ungodly country and home again.
You know what? So do I. Every time I hear about more Americans getting killed over there...well, it's heartbreaking. So, yes, I want all our soldiers home too.
But here's the thing, folks, the moment we are gone--peace talks agreements be damned--the moment America "runs" again, the Taliban will come screaming back over that border from Pakistan. Our retreat will probably be more orderly this time. The last helicopter probably won't have to leave from the roof. But the Afghan people...what of them? It's pretty likely that the Taliban will have a long list of every Afghan man who has helped the Americans and her allies. Those men will be killed first. And then, what remains of the Afghan men will probably be glad to see the Taliban return and restore order.
"Restore order?"
Yes, the Afghan women have been getting away with...well, for lack of a better word, Murder! They've been going to school, becoming police and military, even getting voted in to office. I can only think of little 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai who got shot in the head by a Taliban assassin while she rode home in a bus from school, for refusing to abandon her campaign for girls' education, basically for speaking out against the Taliban. (And this happened in Pakistan, not Afghanistan.) For the time being I believe she is still safe in England. But what of all the other women and girls who have believed they finally could have rights thanks to the Americans kicking out the Taliban?

This photo has nothing to do with the post, but it does show a peaceful scene in our world.
To take a cue from the photo, Bette Midler sings the very beautiful song "From a Distance." "...the world looks blue and guns, no bombs...voice of hope...every look like my friend even though we are at war...can't comprehend what all this fighting is for...God is watching..." Yes, I'm sure God is watching, and He also knows that America is (was?) the world's last best hope for peace on earth.
More about honor.
So far, over 2000 Americans have been killed in Afghanistan, and 18,000 wounded/maimed. What about some honor for them, for their sacrifice. In the newspaper of January 12, 2013, The Forum, Fargo, North Dakota, there appeared a story about Clinton Romesha, former staff sergeant, now home at Minot, ND, after 12 years of military service. On February 12, 2013, he will receive the Medal of Honor for courageous actions in Afghanistan. An honor indeed, and he earned it.
But still, if we cut and run from Afghanistan like we did from Vietnam  then where is the honor?
America should not have to police the whole world, I agree, and bail out every country where the people do not have human rights. Others have said it before so I needn't say it again, but I will anyway. Who do you "want" to police the world? Russia? China? The European Union...well, no, the European Union probably couldn't. Other than the United Kingdom I don't put much stock in the European Union. (Most of those countries have long since had their fill of war.) But Russia and China? Yes! In a minute! They would love to see America fail again.
To step back, the "Domino Theory" did not happen in Vietnam. Southeast Asia did not fall to the communists. After defeating South Vietnam and changing Saigon's name to Ho Chi Minh City, and calling the two countries just Vietnam, the bad guys stopped marching. Today there's even some freedom in Vietnam. Soon I hear we will also become trading partners.
What happened in Vietnam was a matter of ideology. What "will" happen in Afghanistan will be the much more radical and dangerous matter, of very hardcore strict religion. When Afghanistan is again under Taliban control, and at least part of Pakistan is already, how long till the rest of Pakistan "also" falls to the Taliban? Remember, Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
Let's look at the "Domino Theory" again.
Syrian rebels are getting closer to taking over the country. There are many factions fighting there. Some are Al Qaeda-related. Egypt has been taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia (Islamic Law) has been written into their new constitution. Iraq we don't hear much about. Is it growing in stability? Somehow I doubt it. Iran? I don't even need to mention how "they" feel about us. Saudi Arabia, yes, a friend right now, at least the sheikhs are, but most of her people? I doubt it. Yemen? Libya? The horn of Africa and the countries in the African Sahel? Al Qaeda and radical Islam is spreading throughout the Middle East and northern Africa.
Remember, the Arab world was once a world power.
We have one chance to try stopping it, and that is to stay in Afghanistan for the duration. However long it terrorism will be with us for a long, long, time.
A footnote: Syria/Gun control in the US
Syrian civilians are not allowed to have guns, so in order for the Syrian civilian to fight for their freedom and attain a gun, a Syrian soldier (a countryman) had to die, so the freedom fighter could have "his" gun.
Nothing like this is ever expected to happen in America, but I suspect Bashar Al Assad thought it would never happen in Syria either.
I can only think of the 1987 ABC TV miniseries, "Amerika" where the "K" was backwards. The film depicted a demoralized America ten years after a Russian/UN takeover. There was a weak resistance. I remember the only battle where the "controlled" American military pretty much mowed down the American resistance as they tried to take over a TV station or some kind of communication building.
The bottom line: "Peace on earth" is still pretty much a pipe dream.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Story Behind my Novel "Experiments"

Six months I lived in an institution very much like the one in my novel. Much as I sometimes despised my role there, when it came time to go home, yes, I did shed a few tears, but  just a very few. My dad and nephew came to pick me up. My nephew was driving so I was able to sit, relax, and look out the window, and that's when the tears came. I met many, many, good people there, including the other volunteer live-ins and the staff: Nurses, doctors, dietitians, technicians, chaperons, and kitchen staff. Some of the other researchers on a lower floor were people we never saw, but we knew they were there, researching our stuff.
Two years went by. I knew there was a story there but it took a while to connect all the peices. In fact, one of the nurses I once heard say something like "...a smokin' hot fictional novel could come out of here." Those are not her exact words, but she said something very 'like' that, and, years later I did see that particular nurse, gave her a signed copy, and, yes, she did like it.
Anyway, finally the story premise came to me: A guy (formerly a photographer helper who bowed to the party scene) but now living on the street finds a newspaper and reads the ad: '...volunteers wanted, free food, pay...' Well, winter was coming and what could be better? A roof over his head, food, money, and...well, maybe those three items would be enough. So he makes the 1-800 call...but gets much more than bargained for.

What the ad didn't say: That the food would not be…tasty; that, among other more benign men, he would be locked up with an adolescent-minded ex-sailor, and a psychopath; that he would be chosen to lead an assault on another volunteer; that he would stumble across secret, illegal, and dangerous miracle drug research; that he would write an expose article and provide photographs; and that he would meet Natalie, the love of his life.

"Experiments" goes on to include drama and mystery, romance, some sex and violence, and a good amount of humor, but a main theme is the conditions these men live under. They are locked in and can go nowhere past that locked door without a chaperon; they eat only what they're allowed and go to the bathroom with very specific rules. But here's the thing: Any time they think they cannot do this one second longer they have the option to quit, so it becomes a test of willpower to go to the end.
Three Amazon reader reviews at the end of this post.
This photo has nothing to do with the post, I just like to photograph the sky, clouds, sunsets and, unfortunately, not too many sunrises...the sun just gets up way too dang early.  

The main characters:
Shea McTory, the viewpoint character, enters the story homeless, smoking his last cigarette, and ready for a lot of free time. It’s easy and relaxing, but when he does not get what he wants, impatience and immaturity can become nearly overwhelming.  For fellow human beings he shows little compassion, gives, but grudgingly.

The other live-ins:
Galloway becomes Shea's best friend and table mate.
Ives, the antique collector (junk-rat) becomes his second table mate.
Ballard, ex-sailor and immature.
Luther, studying for the ministry and Ballard's best friend and table mate.
Those are the original five live-ins; later four more arrive for a shorter study.
Patrick Durant, the know-it-all.
Willie, a beach bum.
Clive, an older man and very close to homeless, maybe was homeless. (Really, I don't know. When my characters get on stage, they take over and do what they want. Clive doesn't have a really big part; if he was homeless, he didn't tell me.)
Ross, the psychopath.

The main staff:
Natalie, a nurse, and Shea's love-interest (I will say right now that when I lived in this facility there was no sex allowed, and not that it was allowed in the fictional account either, but would you, the reader, want a hero and a really nice heroine to get together and not make love?)
Catherine, the head nurse and definitely in charge.
Jayne, a university student, the main chaperon and the one all the volunteers depend on.
Then, of course, Delilah, head kitchen technician, and, if you have read your Bible stories, you will remember what Delilah was known for.
Oh yes, and the villain(s.) I won't give that away because this is a medical mystery, and what would a novel be without a villain, or two?
Here is a very, very, short synopsis:
Frustrations build, tempers flare, love affairs, friendships, hatreds, develop.

(Pharmacological research gone berserk)


Shea McTory felt guilty for photographing this cruel scene, but the world needed to know.  No, the truth was, Shea McTory needed to further his hoped-for journalism career.  And he had just learned something about himself that he would rather not have found out.  He knew he had always been, basically, a loser, but he had always tried to not be an asshole too.  But that’s what was going through his mind.  He was an asshole.
 The subjects of the cruel scene, the two boys, stood beside each other.  They were skin and bone.  I’m an asshole.
 The sight of them, the smells in the room, the pure ugliness, all were making his insides crawl.  His skin was crawling.  He could barely look at the boys.  No way could he touch them.  No way.   I’m an asshole.  And Natalie hadn’t even said, specifically, what was happening, but he knew that she knew, and Shea didn’t even want to know.


5.0 out of 5 stars kindle book experiments, December 28, 2011
By caron99 - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Experiments (Kindle Edition)
this was a great book to read I sooo enjoyed it, my husband kept stealing mykindle to read it too.

This is my best review from an Amazon reader, and I appreciate it. 

Of my ten books, Experiments (medical mystery drama and humor) is selling second best.
Only Daughters is doing better.

Easy reading, October 23, 2012
By Darla L Knutzen (OMAHA, NE, US) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Experiments (Kindle Edition)
For me it seemed to be written in a less literature way. Super easy to read, but for me personally I do like more debth in my books. I do try to read all the medical mysteries I can. Also my favorite author is Stephen King and it is hard to beat him ( I know he doesn't write medical mysteries, but he always keeps a reader interested).

That review I don't quite understand, although it does seem positive, and she gave me three stars.

Worst book ever, December 30, 2012
By JDS - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Experiments (Kindle Edition)
The topic was based on an experiment.
That was the only good part of the book.
Would not read any books by this author again.

The last review--Whoa!  That one I don't understand either. It sounds like he (or she) absolutely hated it, but he (or she) could have given me a better understanding of what I did wrong, so that, "if" I agreed, I could fix it. He (or she) gave me one star. I suspect a reader has to give at least one star in order to write a review. Strange how the vicious reviewers don't give names and addresses. Professional reviewers identify themselves, why not the amateurs...and, no, I would not try to contact this reviewer. He (or she) said what he (or she) wanted and I will take the good with the bad. Thank you!

To anyone else out there who reads this novel, please feel free to comment here on the blog or write a review at Amazon. As I said, I take the good with the bad.

Thanks for reading

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A reminder for when you go to Amazon to read digital books, mine and many other authors: Amazon has a free APP download that allows you to read your book on any electronic device, including PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.

Occasionally I list one of my books as free for a  day, sometimes more than a day. Look for those announcements on my blog, HubPages, Twitter, and Facebook

Starting at midnight Friday (which would make it Saturday) "Experiments" will be a free download for two days (Saturday & Sunday.) That's 48 hours. After that $0.99; the paperback edition is $16.00 plus shipping.

Friday, January 4, 2013

More and More Unlimited Growth: An Opinion

Since unleashing fracking for oil in the Bakken, in western North Dakota, the quiet and bucolic communities out there have experienced nearly out-of-control growth, but that, of course, is what the Powers-that-be, of those communities, have wanted. Growth means more taxes, so that government can create more programs to spend those new tax monies on. And I guess spending government money somehow justifies the jobs of those powers-that-be.
Did everybody in Williston, Dickinson, Minot--to name just the larger local communities--want all that growth? Well, in the beginning it may have sounded good to just about everybody...until the facts started hitting home. Skyrocketing rents for one thing, and property taxes...? I don't know about property taxes. North Dakota property taxes are high no matter what. Every community wants brand new state of the art schools (they don't want to repair the old ones, no.) They want every kid to have their own I-pod or I-pad, or whatever you call those things that one can do anything on, while forgetting how to read a real book or write and do math on paper--oh yes, and not even begin to learn geography and history. And Science? Well, we don't look too good next to some other countries. But hey, we don't need to learn anymore. We've got a brand new school and a really big gymnasium--heck, we can even play soccer inside, and play golf, and shoot a bow and arrow.
Possibly I'm stretching a mite here, but I did one time hear a kid complaining about his school not offering golfing lessons, to me, a job better suited to dad, or an uncle...which, by the way, this kid has: A dad and several uncles. Oh, yeah, the dad and uncles don't have time, they're too busy earning a living so that they can pay the property taxes to support those extravagant new schools and to heat and cool their mansion-sized houses with cathedral ceilings and three-car garages.
Now about the skyrocketing rent. I don't live in western North Dakota, but I did hear about long-time residents getting kicked out of places where they had lived a long time because they could not pay the new 'skyrocketed' rent, and other people experiencing a huge rise in property values, and you know what a rise in property values does. But hey, we're growing, aren't we? Yes, we have economic growth!
It's not just North Dakota. Every community, every small town, medium town, big town, large city, is refusing to tighten their belt if they can grow instead. Unfortunately, growth means a need for more services which means a need for more taxes to pay for those services, and then more growth, more services, more taxes, and on and on and on.
Recently on television national news there was a story about growth down in Texas. The guy being interviewed had wide eyes (like some little kid describing his new bicycle) and was almost slobbering telling the interviewer about it--OMG! Growth!
Now folks, there are also some good things about 'growth.' Back in the fifties and sixties there was growth too, but it was slower...I dunno, maybe just more laid back. We saw an improvement here and another there and we accepted it as progress. We didn't know then what 'progress' would mean in the near future.
Hey, I'm all for advances in science and technology, but not at the cost of plowing under and paving over nature and agriculture, and that's what we're doing with out-of-control 'growth.' As a local for instance, Fargo, in eastern North Dakota has flooding problems, but hey, as so many other communities they built their city next to a river. The whole country has probably heard about Fargo wanting to divert the Red River to alleviate that flooding, but Fargo also wants to build a dam (unnecessary for the diversion) several miles south of the city, so that Fargo can continue building in the flood plain. In other words, they want nothing to stop them from growing. In a flood year that dam will cause flooding in those communities even farther south: A small town and two housing developments.
Meanwhile, Grand Forks, north of Fargo, is rapidly growing south. We are paving over the Red River Valley, some of the richest soil in the world. If we would back up a bit, and spend a moment or two actually  'thinking,' is this really what we want to do?
Fargo and North Dakota itself, wants to grow and grow and grow, and catch up to the big boys, the rest of the nation. Many people in North Dakota think the rest of the country is laughing at us hicks out here in the Midwestern outback. Some people laugh at the people living in New York and Georgia and Arizona and Tennessee, too, and don't even get me started on California.
Yes, I am anti-growth. I see growth continuing until nothing is left. I even wrote a 2000-word story about unlimited 'growth,' and where it could lead. Yes, it's probably an exaggeration but, well, here it is: The title is "Viands."
This photo has nothing to do with this post. I just like photographing sunrises, when I can get up early enough., and don't expect to ever see a vista like this in the world of "Viands."

(2000 words) Futuristic: People massed, wear and look the same, stand in line for deposits of wastes, withdrawals of food.  He believes there is more to life, meets She; together they try to escape through a wall of flame, the only thing different in their world.

He tensed himself and leaped, up, high, turned his head both ways, landed again, and leaped again.  But, all he could see in any direction were others like himself.
     He landed, brushed one of the others.  Barely enough room for elbows, let alone leaping and hoping for the same spot to be open when he came down.  The other shot a dirty look at him, then turned away and moved farther into the sea of others, all alike except for some facial differences, eye color, height, weight, all anyone could see of the others.
     All wore the same clothing.  Gray suits with hoods, hand openings, trapdoor crotches opening only in back.  They didn't do much of anything, mainly stood around chewing on the gray doughy masses called viands, conversations mostly limited to one word descriptions of the viands varied tastiness.
     Tart, spicy, salty, or bland and lumpy.
     Two groups stood in line by the gray Houses of Excretion.  One group waited to make their deposit, the other to receive their portion of fresh while you wait viands, and all could hear the sound of machinery grinding and whirring away in the processing of viands.
     In gray, out gray, the sky gray, the ground.  Everything was gray.  He, nearly six feet, taller than most, often wondered if anything existed except gray.  He wanted to believe something did, but, from birth, all he had known were changing one gray suit for another as he grew.
     He decided to jump once more, would give this leap all he had.  So he gathered his legs, waited for the others to move away slightly—which sometimes happened—then squatted low, stretched his arms behind, took a deep breath, and leaped, up.  Up.  UP!
     And for just one second he thought he saw something, far away.  Something brighter, and another color, something like that bright ball that occasionally appeared in the sky among gray clouds.  He decided to try leaping once more, even though he had about used all his energy.
     So up he went.  But not far.  He had weakened.
     When he came down he struck another body, so close were they jammed.  Both fell down.
     "Why do you not watch what you are doing?" the other shouted at him as they scrambled up.  But the voice was different, higher, reminding him of his mother not seen since weaning.  Remembering his mother, and that other place with other mothers and the smaller others like himself, he thought of the one time he had seen a fence, the only structure in their world except for the Houses of Excretion.
     "I am sorry," He said.
     The other brushed itself off and faced him.  Some light colored hairs had escaped the hood, which were quickly tucked back in, but yes, this other was different.  The face was smoother, and the body appeared to be more slender except for two bumps just below the neck, and other unusual features, features he remembered, barely, his mother having.
     "Why do you stare at me?" the other asked.
     He did not know why, "I do not know," but he did know he enjoyed what he saw.  He had felt so little joy in life that he had only dubious understanding of what joy was, "You look funny…I mean different, you look different."
     "Of course I am different."  The facial features changed.  The eyes softened, the mouth widened, the cheeks took on a rosy glow, "Have you never seen a she?"
     "She is mine!"  A voice, loud, what He was more accustomed to hearing, interrupted them as a third other, elbowing, pushing, arrived, carrying two of the viands masses.
     She?  He had heard of the shes, that they were very much different, but he had never seen one.  Only hearsay, for the sexes were kept separate, allowed together only for breeding purposes, strictly decided and controlled by the sachems, also dressed in gray except in robes with black belts rather than body suits, and generally taller, taller than He even, and all carried a staff.
     The third other grabbed the she by the arm, then jerked her into the masses.  But, remembering his good feelings of joy, He decided he could not let that happen.  He wanted to keep staring at the she, so followed, doing his own elbowing and pushing, and soon caught the two, and grabbed the she by the other arm.
     "Stop!" He said.
     Both stopped, and gawked at him.  Many of the others stopped their eating and standing, and also gawked.
     Facial features of the she changed again, changed to warm, and radiant.  And again He felt joy, greater joy and happiness than he had ever known, "If you will come with me," He said, "I will take you away from here, and protect you forever, and keep you warm."  He had no idea how to do what he had just said, but it had sounded like all the right things to say.  Long ago he had decided there had to be something different, somewhere.  Had he not just seen that faraway, unexplained brightness?  Suddenly he clung strongly to believing it truly existed, and was better.
     The she shook off the other's apparently illegal grasp, "Then I will go with you."  The she's facial features changed still more, became still more wonderful.  He felt his own features changing.  They felt wonderful too, very wonderful.
     "I am called He," he said when they were alone as possible.
     "I am She."
     "No, that is what you are.  What do the others call you?"
     "I am called She.  All of us are."
     "But you are different from the others."
     "No, I am the same.  But I am glad you think I am different.  I think you are different, too."
     "Come," He said, "We will leave here."  It was then or never.  He was positive of somewhere else existing, and the appearance of She made him want to find it more than ever.
Their first day passed.  Then their second.  Then a week, and a month.  He and She pressed on through the endless masses of others in gray suits.  They stood in line at the Houses of Excretion, made their deposits, ate their viands, dodged the sachems, and hoped the others would not tell of their illegal act of being together.  And it occurred to them that few others even noticed, so impassive were they.
     Finally one day conditions began to change.  The others were no longer just standing, eating, existing.  Many had actual expressions, twisted and ugly and showing anger, and fear, and anxiety, all expressions causing He and She to feel the opposite of joy.  And none of the others were talking.  Sounds now were of agony, mourning, and the further He and She walked the worse conditions became, until the others were fighting and shoving, trying to go in the opposite direction.
     The direction He and She had just come from.
     But they pushed on, holding onto each other, pushing and shoving themselves.  "We must be getting close to somewhere else," He said, "I have always believed it existed."
     "So have I," answered She, "But I have talked to no other who has ever seen it."
     At last they broke free from the hordes of others and stood alone in an open space for the first time.  But close ahead, what the others evidently had been trying to escape, roared a wall of that different color He had seen in the distance so long ago.  The bright wall stretched in both directions as far as they could see.
     "Do not go into it," said an other nearest them, "I have heard some have, and have never come back."
     He waved to the other, then turned to She, who gave him the warmest change of facial expression he had ever seen.  It made him feel so very, very, very, wonderful.
     "Maybe," said She, "The reason the others never come back is because it is better there."
     "Yes."  He agreed and again faced that bright wall of whatever it was.  It was radiating heat like that great ball in the sky, producing wonderful feelings in both He and She.
     "Maybe we should remove our suits first," said She.
     He did not know why they should, but also did not know why they should not.  So they did.  Soon both stood nude, facing each other and experiencing primeval thoughts as to why they were so different.  But they were at last alone, but still hearing the sounds from the masses of others.  But so good to be alone together, seeing each other without those ugly suits, and learning about their new feelings, and wondering what else they would discover about being alone together.
     "You two!  Put on your suits!  You are illegal!"
     They turned quickly toward the others.  Outside the masses stood a sachem.
     "He, I do not want to,” said She, “We cannot go back."
     "And we will not."  He grabbed She's hand, "Come, we will run into that heat, and die if we have to."
     They turned toward the wall of bright color, held each other's hand tight, and ran.  The sounds of agony and mourning rose behind them, and the sound of the sachem shouting at them.  But they paid none of it heed and ran faster, faster, getting closer to the heat becoming hotter, until it felt unbearably hot, but they would not stop.
     "Faster!" He shouted, and pulled She along faster.
     Together they leaped toward that bright wall of whatever it was, and into it.
Together they landed and rolled on the other side.  Still hand in hand they leaped up and looked at their new world, and walked partway into it.  There were no others.  None.  For the first time in their lives they stood completely alone, and saw their world unbounded and beautiful, with that great ball above shining in a bright and cloudless sky.  They saw many, many, things they could not give names, and other living beings that walked on four legs instead of two.
     "What is this place?" She asked.
     "I do not know, but I like it."  He gripped She's hand and turned them around to again face the bright wall, "Come, let us go back and tell the others they do not have to worry about the heat, that there is a wonderful world on this side."
     The two started away, and would have returned to that other world of grayness.
     But a much different sachem appeared in their path and held up a hand.  This one was dressed in a robe the color of the sky, "Stop.  You cannot go back."
     "Look, He," She said, "It is a she dressed as a sachem."
     "Yes, He and She, I am different from what you have known, and your selfless act of returning to that wretched other world is why I stopped you.  The he sachems control the masses, and the she sachems help to guide life on this side of the flames.  Only the others with the courage to strive for something new and better are allowed to leave there, and to stay here.  Only those who dare face the flames.  And it would be pointless to go back."
     "Why?" He and She asked in unison.
     "Because few would believe you.  Impossible to find those who would."  The sachem in the sky-colored robe scrutinized them calmly, then raised her staff, nodding toward their new home, "Now go.  Go out into the forests and meadows.  Clothe yourselves and give yourselves new names.  Find the others who have gone before you.  They are few but they will help you learn about your new life here."
     "But what will we eat?" She asked, "Where are the Houses of Excretion?"
     "The Houses of Excretion are humankind's ultimate consequence for overpopulating and fowling its nest," the sachem said, "Long ago, He, your kind was called man, and your kind, She, was woman.  But men and women became vain, thinking of each self as the ultimate glory, caring not that their resources were finite, that their wastes were poisoning their very existence.
     "Life here would have ended had we sachems not taken control, and herded all humankind into the enclosure of flames, with the fences around women and another for women with young.  One day soon, when enough others have braved the flames and escaped…," the sachem hesitated briefly, her face sobered, "Then we will allow the flames to sweep inward.
     "So, in this world you bury your excretions and find different food.  Viands are a thing of the past."
     He faced She.  The exact meaning of what the sachem had said escaped him, "Come, She.  Let us discover this new place of beauty and brightness."  They turned, and began walking away.
     "Now that you are man and woman again," the sachem called after them, "There are three rules.  Use only what you need.  Treat others with respect and dignity.  And reproduce yourselves with only one young."
     They stopped, and again faced the sachem, "Reproduce ourselves…?" asked She.
     The sachem smiled, "You will discover what I mean."
This 2000-word story is taken from my book of short stories "Strange & Weird Stories," available from (13 stories, 1400-8000 words in each)
Not a pretty look at our possible future, is it?
Of course the earth is big enough so that, no matter how much our world population increases we would never be body-on-body, unless a very powerful force, in order to "save" the earth (from 'growth' and pollution) were to herd all humanity into an enclosure. Think that couldn't happen again? Let's try to remember Auschwitz--oh wait, that's history. We are so smart today with our smartphones that nothing that bad could ever happen again. (Some people think Auschwitz never even happened.) In a movie from the seventies, Soylent Green, the world population became so out of control that the only way to feed everyone, was, as each person died that person became food for the living. Very few of the populace knew they were eating Aunt Millie, but at least it was "real" food, not like "Viands," and I hope I don't have to explain to anyone what exactly the populace is eating in "Viands." HINT: It isn't Aunt Millie.

Thanks for reading

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