The others, who knows? Do they even exist? Something does. I get a regular catalog "Tools for Freedom" located in, of all places, Kapaa, Hawaii. No offense meant to Hawaii. I just meant such a catalog should have came from New York, or California, or Florida. No offense meant to those states either. The thing is, that catalog is filled with books and CDs exposing the Illuminati, aliens, underground bases, martial law, chem trails, micro-chipping, HARRP, the collapse of the dollar, 911, Satanism, contemporary concentration camps (for, guess who: American civilians) the list goes on: The catalog is filled with conspiracy theories, and the internet is alive with it.
The Illuminati got its start over 200 years ago in Bavaria, Germany (about the same time as the birth of America) but the actual bloodlines of members are said to go back even farther, to, again, of all places, ancient Egypt and Babylon. I don't intend to give a history of the Illuminati, though. If you want to know more just enter that word into the internet.
Believe me, my research (internet only) has taken me to some pretty dark places. (Graphic descriptions of what happens to children [boys and girls both] and women.) Any truth to any of this? Yes, I would say so. Not everything is true of course (for instance one incredible page suggests some missing children become part of McDonald's burgers.) I don't believe that but I wonder if I can now ever eat another burger there. And 999 out of a thousand people probably also did not want to even hear about that. Anyway, just read your newspaper. Nearly everyday there are stories of man's inhumanity and woman's inhumanity, to men, women, children. Recent stories in The Forum, Fargo, North Dakota, a father cutting the throats of his three little daughters, and a mother gluing her toddler child to the wall.
The title of one CD in that catalog, "The Superclass," describes a "...highly centralized world where the distribution of power is unsustainable, horribly uneven and causing massive suffering." (To me, that sounds disturbingly like a history of civilization.) The description goes on to say that the world is "...governed by an elite cabal of 6000 individuals, 95% of whom are men...made up of top politicians and bankers..." (Not much surprise there: Look at our own "The Fed," not a cabinet office, not government at all, but a privately-owned bank, to me masquerading as an official part of government [I say that because I've always thought, somehow, The Fed was official government] [It's not, but often does appear to be calling many of the shots...]) (A longer list of elite would include law enforcement, military, teachers, ministers [all the way to the Vatican] these people being one thing by day, another by night.)
Which brings me to the overall plan (suggested by conspiracy theorists) of the elite. Namely, they want to annihilate religion, family, and nation, by exterminating 85% of the world's population--the remainder of which would be slaves to care for the elite--by war, disease (lab created,) famine (genetically-modified food [GMOs]) chemicals, modified weather, the list goes on, again sounding very much like the history of civilization. One thing today, though, is different: With today's technology, and the true power in the hands of just a few...well, you do the math.
It's true: There are way too many people on the earth, and the only way the population is sustained is by consumers (you and me) buying cars, drugs, cosmetics, electronic gadgets (forget the necessities) so that companies can continue to grow and pay their employees and invest--mainly--in their own retirement. That idea, that plan--which has worked fabulously since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution--is absolutely unsustainable. That's why cities grow and grow, leapfrogging over nature and agriculture, requiring more and more land, more and more people, more and more products, and more and more growth and taxes to pay for our care: Cradle to the grave.
The elite (Illuminati) know this, and they know it cannot go on, and they know to continue having a livable earth, 85% of the population must go. I did come across one page on the internet where a supposed Illuminati member wrote down their real goal for the earth, which of course was all warm and fuzzy.
I also happened upon an interview: David Icke (UK) on the Alex Jones (Texas) radio show. They talked about many conspiracies but what caught my attention was the suggestion that the elite (aforementioned groups) are involved with the many, many, many, missing children worldwide, many of which are never found, never heard from again. The Illuminati were not mentioned by name as being solely responsible, only the 'elite.' But the Satanist/occultist Illuminati (also involved with extraterrestrials) are who I have decided to make the villain in my new novel, New World Order Rising, about 50,000 words.
What do they do that makes them the villain? They abduct the main character's daughter--to be used for either the sex slave auction block, or sacrifice at their main Satanic holiday held annually on July 27th, the Grand Climax, and granddaughter to be shipped to an isolated island in the Mediterranean owned by an elite old man near the top of the Illuminati pyramid--practically in front of him, and do it so quickly, so professionally, that he sees nothing. From my research, a professional abduction can take place in as little time as 7-10 seconds, and, presto: Gone! Never to be seen again....
There is so much material out there on conspiracies that this novel has become book 1 of a trilogy. Next posting look for an excerpt.
Thanks for reading
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In my fiction I do
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people who try to find love, survive, and react to circumstances as best they
can, and, usually, try to do the right thing. The books are more than one
genre, from war to sex and violence to romance to humor to horror to
fantasy to science fiction to adventure, I write in
third-person with viewpoints by men, women, and children.
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