Before December I was somewhat not "fully" aware of gun issues, but the very next day after Newtown I got a lot more aware. First I'd like to say, even though a gun-owner, Sandy Hook was just as upsetting to me as anyone else, and I did shed a few tears every time I saw the story. Now, in Mid-March, I'm tending to get sick of liberals continuing to rehash and push that story to further their agenda, which, in the end, is first registration (through that crafty extended universal background check) and then confiscation of all guns.
Long before that mass shooting I was working on a new novel about the Illuminati, who, according to conspiracy theorists, are the real power behind the government and the top corporations, and, believe me, there are a ton of theories out there. One of the articles I read linked the Illuminati to the mass shootings. That short article--didn't exactly change the plot of my book, but I did add it as a subplot.
Think of it, if you look at all the mass shootings, the perpetrators are all mentally unstable, which doesn't exactly help law enforcement when they are trying to piece evidence and trails together. And then there's the ones who commit suicide, which prevents an interview and turns most of the trail cold.
In my book I fully blame the Illuminati, but who are the Illuminati? They are the people with money and power. I think there are some people (in this country and the world) who so want registration and eventual confiscation of all guns so bad that they would seek out these mentally unstable boys and "brainwash" them to do their bidding.
Wow, did I just accuse a whole bunch of elected politicians of a conspiracy? In a word, YES. I truly believe there is a conspiracy going on and somebody, something, evil, deadly, dangerous, is out there chipping away at our very freedoms, not just of gun ownership, that's only first; after guns it will be freedom of speech, assembly, religion, you name it. A liberal will just grin and say that couldn't happen in America. Well, Mr. Grinning Liberal, it is happening right now, right here in front of your unwilling to see blind eyes.
The young man at a Florida university, James Oliver Seevakumaran, 30, is the latest, that I know of. He, thank God, didn't get to carry out his mission because his roommate saw him holding a gun, locked himself in the bathroom, and called 911. And before the cops could get there Mr. Seevakumaran committed suicide. Good for him. I say he was brainwashed to turn the gun on himself; maybe the sound of approaching sirens were the cue-click on his brain.
Recently what happened in Colorado kind of seals my theory: The people behind this conspiracy to control guns want their "way" so bad that they hired a professional hit man to gun down Tom Clement, just appointed to the Colorado Department of Corrections. No suicide there: That guy, I suspect, is gone and will never be found. Hours later the Colorado Governor signed into law some tough new gun regulations. Was the governor considering veto before that shooting? Good question.
I know: Some politicians (governors, state & federal senators & representatives) are feeling terrible pressure right now to do something, so they are blaming guns and creating laws that will affect only the private, law-abiding, citizen. Criminals and the conspirators are laughing their asses off.
Think of it: What if the liberals, or the UN, or the Illuminati--or whoever/whatever power source is behind this gun-grab--get their way and we eventually face confiscation. I'm not saying it will happen next month or even next year, but, really, think about it. Who would do the actual confiscating? The army, probably. Seventeen to twenty-year-old young men and women: Sons and daughters and brothers and sisters: Americans all. In the military service one is required to follow orders. I won't go any farther into this scenario; I don't want to even think about what would/could happen next.
Gun-confiscation has already happened: New Orleans after Katrina. Here is a 20-minute link that includes a video (I know, it's a long video, but worth watching, especially for people on the fence, not yet having decided to go left or right.) (The grinning liberals will probably say the video was a scene from a movie. Well, the New Orleans police chief was media footage.) Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns Please spread the Word. http://www.inf..
In the end I would like to offer another link (much shorter, and much more important to watch) to the best 7-minute speech about gun control that I have ever heard. The man's name is Bill Whittle, the virtual President. Just type the name into Google; he's everywhere, but I will include the link here too. Notice when the camera zooms in on a certain liberal, Schumer, of New York, I believe. On his face is a sarcastic, nonbelieving, smirking, grin.
Thanks for reading, folks, and please, try to share this link with all the gun-owners you know.
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Feel free to contact me. (Response is not guaranteed) (The world is full of psychos and wackos)
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Long before that mass shooting I was working on a new novel about the Illuminati, who, according to conspiracy theorists, are the real power behind the government and the top corporations, and, believe me, there are a ton of theories out there. One of the articles I read linked the Illuminati to the mass shootings. That short article--didn't exactly change the plot of my book, but I did add it as a subplot.
Think of it, if you look at all the mass shootings, the perpetrators are all mentally unstable, which doesn't exactly help law enforcement when they are trying to piece evidence and trails together. And then there's the ones who commit suicide, which prevents an interview and turns most of the trail cold.
In my book I fully blame the Illuminati, but who are the Illuminati? They are the people with money and power. I think there are some people (in this country and the world) who so want registration and eventual confiscation of all guns so bad that they would seek out these mentally unstable boys and "brainwash" them to do their bidding.
Wow, did I just accuse a whole bunch of elected politicians of a conspiracy? In a word, YES. I truly believe there is a conspiracy going on and somebody, something, evil, deadly, dangerous, is out there chipping away at our very freedoms, not just of gun ownership, that's only first; after guns it will be freedom of speech, assembly, religion, you name it. A liberal will just grin and say that couldn't happen in America. Well, Mr. Grinning Liberal, it is happening right now, right here in front of your unwilling to see blind eyes.
The young man at a Florida university, James Oliver Seevakumaran, 30, is the latest, that I know of. He, thank God, didn't get to carry out his mission because his roommate saw him holding a gun, locked himself in the bathroom, and called 911. And before the cops could get there Mr. Seevakumaran committed suicide. Good for him. I say he was brainwashed to turn the gun on himself; maybe the sound of approaching sirens were the cue-click on his brain.
Recently what happened in Colorado kind of seals my theory: The people behind this conspiracy to control guns want their "way" so bad that they hired a professional hit man to gun down Tom Clement, just appointed to the Colorado Department of Corrections. No suicide there: That guy, I suspect, is gone and will never be found. Hours later the Colorado Governor signed into law some tough new gun regulations. Was the governor considering veto before that shooting? Good question.
I know: Some politicians (governors, state & federal senators & representatives) are feeling terrible pressure right now to do something, so they are blaming guns and creating laws that will affect only the private, law-abiding, citizen. Criminals and the conspirators are laughing their asses off.
Think of it: What if the liberals, or the UN, or the Illuminati--or whoever/whatever power source is behind this gun-grab--get their way and we eventually face confiscation. I'm not saying it will happen next month or even next year, but, really, think about it. Who would do the actual confiscating? The army, probably. Seventeen to twenty-year-old young men and women: Sons and daughters and brothers and sisters: Americans all. In the military service one is required to follow orders. I won't go any farther into this scenario; I don't want to even think about what would/could happen next.
Gun-confiscation has already happened: New Orleans after Katrina. Here is a 20-minute link that includes a video (I know, it's a long video, but worth watching, especially for people on the fence, not yet having decided to go left or right.) (The grinning liberals will probably say the video was a scene from a movie. Well, the New Orleans police chief was media footage.) Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns Please spread the Word. http://www.inf..
In the end I would like to offer another link (much shorter, and much more important to watch) to the best 7-minute speech about gun control that I have ever heard. The man's name is Bill Whittle, the virtual President. Just type the name into Google; he's everywhere, but I will include the link here too. Notice when the camera zooms in on a certain liberal, Schumer, of New York, I believe. On his face is a sarcastic, nonbelieving, smirking, grin.
Thanks for reading, folks, and please, try to share this link with all the gun-owners you know.
Contact email Author page at Amazon Website & Blog!/ Facebook HubPages
Feel free to contact me. (Response is not guaranteed) (The world is full of psychos and wackos)
A reminder for when you go to Amazon to read digital books, mine and many other authors: Amazon has a free APP download that allows you to read your book on any electronic device, including PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.
Prices vary from $0.99-$2.99.
Occasionally I list one of my books as free for a day, sometimes more than a day. Look for those announcements on my blog, HubPages, Twitter, and Facebook
One last thing: When you visit my website, please check out the Freebies page.