Friday, May 10, 2013

New World Order Rising Book 1: An Excerpt

                                                                    Take a look around, folks, our nation is a changin’ and that change is being brought about by a group of elitists who don’t have a lot of clues about the real world, except taxes and power.
Many of our politicians and the Illuminati are elitists. Are they one and the same? I don’t know, I don’t think so, and I hope not. Do the Illuminati exist, as a lot of conspiracy theorists claim? Are they as bad as the theorists say? Are they presently telling our leaders/politicians what to do? I think they are, and I think many of our leaders/politicians don’t require much pushing. There likely is money involved, and isolated islands, hell, maybe even an outlying planet if they listen good and play their cards right.
Think I’m kidding? I wish I was.
I think—right now!—thanks to the dumbing-down of our population by our noses stuck constantly in our electronic toys, that we are approaching a time very quickly where a strong and very unfriendly foe will be attempting to take the reins of our country…from within.
The liberals have been in charge for the last five years. Some things have happened. The dollar, thanks to nearly incomprehensible spending to save huge banks and companies “…too big to fail…,” as the president said, plus out-of-control entitlement spending, plus government-run heathcare that anyone with a brain does not want (according to one poll only 35% of the population approves of it) the list goes on, and just recently that “..too big to fail…” quip has gone out again!
There is a good chance the liberals will stay in control with the 2016 election, thanks to way too many people not following issues and voting name recognition only…and there is a very big and well known name heming and hawing about running right now.
Please don’t get me wrong, folks. The far, far, far, right, wing conservatives in power would be just as bad as the far, far, far, left wing liberals we have now in power and are stuck with for three more years.
My question: Whatever happened to the majority middle of moderation?
I will answer that: They are unemployed and being taxed out of existence.
Back to the Illuminati, who conspiracy theorists suggest are already in power telling many of our leaders what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, voting, that is. A comparatively new theory (new to me, anyway) suggests the Illuminati are also “creating” the mass shootings by brainwashing certain young men already on psychosomatic drugs. After the young men complete their “mission” they commit suicide, or, are so psyched out that they don’t know anything. And each mass shooting just adds to the rabidity of the liberals to demand more and more gun control.
No matter how they spin the “Expanded Background Check” the end goal is registration and eventual confiscation. (New Orleans after Katrina is well aware of gun confiscation: A not well-known fact.) You see, in order for the Illuminati to fully take power the American Minuteman (the civilian gun owner) must be disarmed.
My theory: The Illuminati are guilty of everything they are charged with; from child abduction; human trafficking; Satanist sacrifice; destruction of the middle class, extinction of 85% of the world’s population (through war, GMOs, pollution, released diseases [Chinese scientists have “created” a virulent virus from two relatively benign ones, and the Chinese Illuminati are rumored to be the largest and strongest group]) the remaining 15% of the world’s population would be used as slaves to care for the elite Illuminati; and creating a one world government, monetary system, military, and religion.
(Sorry, that was a very long sentence: A whole paragraph!)
The list of their goals goes on, but my god that’s enough to digest in one reading.
My new novel New World Order Rising, in which I fictionally examine the Illuminati, is getting close to release. After 48,000 words I reached the end and saw that the story definitely is not finished, so now I’m working on book 2, and realize there will be need for a book 3, as the facts are, folks, if the American Minutemen have to eventually fight the Illuminati and their allies (some say aliens presently living in deep underground military bases) the battle will go on for more than one generation.
To conclude, folks, these elitists know that America has to be taken down first. If that happens they expect the rest of the world will fold quickly. The American military would be put under the control of the elitists, and right now the liberal elitists are trying to disarm the American Minuteman. We must not let that happen.
The framers of the Constitution wrote the Second Amendment for just such an occasion as tyranny taking over the leadership of our country.
In that vein then, here is the prologue to book one: New World Order Rising Book One.
Some of you may already have seen the prologue as I posted part of it some time ago, but now that the book is getting close to release I will post it again, and will post at least two more excerpts later.


An isolated island in the Mediterranean


The old man stopped before one of the huge mirrors that graced most walls in his home. He looked at himself, looked into his gray eyes, at his blue-gray hair. Yes, he was old, but the lines on his face—to him—showed his life, the high and low points, the triumphs and failures, but most of all his rise to near the top of the pyramid. He looked at his nametag. No, it was not made from plastic and pinned to his suit; rather it was part of his suit.
It read Masters.
A good name for one of the elite of the world.
He moved onto his balcony. Still chilly, but the view of the sunrise was most beautiful there. He walked to the table and set his drink down, then moved on to the wall overlooking the bay. The eastern sky was brightening; it wouldn’t be long. He stood there quietly, thinking…the man from the United States would be arriving later, with, he hoped, good news. Something he had waited for all his life. Running his bank and his company, both of which supplied all sides and elements of war, had been good to him. Financially he had wanted for nothing, emotionally his life was empty. Any time he wanted a woman, though, after one phone call usually only ten or fifteen minutes would pass and she would be there, at his beckoning, for whatever he wanted. They all were good, adept at their trade, but lacking in true emotion.
That’s what his life had lacked: True love. Meaningful emotion. Honesty. Certainly, his servants all did their best; they all pleased him, and they all took their money and went to their own homes at night.
Then the phone call came from the United States, and the message that the man had what he wanted: A female of the purest beauty and innocence. Someone he could train to love him.
He returned to the table and sat down. The sun cracked the horizon. He took a drink. Vodka especially warmed him in the morning. He watched as the blazing orb left the water of the bay and lifted into low hanging clouds. Then, as if a curtain falling, the clouds reached the water and obscured the fire, but they had not prevented the sunrise. So often it happened in that way.
He smiled.
An hour passed. He heard his cook moving about in the kitchen. He heard his maid straightening up…whatever: Nothing was ever out of place. He heard the doorbell chimes and heard his butler open the door and speak to the visitor.
Another moment passed.
“Sir…?” came the voice of the butler, “Your visitor from the United States is here.”
“Thank you. Show him to the den please.”
“As you wish, sir.”
The old man returned to his balcony and gazed toward the mainland, toward where the masses lived and bred and dirtied their environment. Humanity was destroying the earth. Soon the destruction would stop. Soon the elite would assume their supreme destiny, as guardians and benefactors of the earth. He waited five more minutes, savoring his anticipation, then moved to the door to the den, and opened it.
The man waiting was still standing. He didn’t know him, just knew he was good at what he did. The elite always knew the best to hire for whatever job was needed. The man held up a CD. The old man indicated the CD player. The man switched the machine on and inserted the CD.
A few seconds passed, then, on a huge wall screen appeared a child, a girl child with hair the color of the richest raw oil. She looked at the camera. Her blue eyes brightened the entire room. She was the epitome of the purest beauty and charm, and more beautiful than the sky and the earth together.
Then the girl looked behind her. The camera moved to include the mother, also the rarest of beauty.
“I want the child,” the old man said, “Do as you wish with the mother.”

Thanks for reading

Author’s notes
(Digital downloads $0.99-$4.99; paperbacks $10.00-$29.95)
 In my fiction I do not try to create super-heroes, but rather bring alive common and regular people who try to find love, survive, and react to circumstances as best they can, and, usually, try to do the right thing. The books are more than one genre, from war to sex and violence to romance to humor to horror to fantasy to science fiction to adventure, I write in third-person with viewpoints by men, women, and children. 

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