The photograph has little to do with this post, but it does add interest for the reader. Also, if one looks closely one can make out two eyes, a nose, and a mouth...the Illuminati? Watching us? Deciding who will live and who will die? Am I getting a bit paranoid, daring to write about such a subject? Will the men-in-black soon be at my door?

According to conspiracy theorists (and there are a lot of them) the Illuminati--the elite of the world, the New World Order, the so-called "shadow" government, meaning the bankers and corporate CEOs--are the true power brokers of our world.
A repeat from my last posting, their ultimate goal is exterminating 85% of the world's human population, leaving 15% to be slaves to care for the elite.
New World Order Rising Book 1
A repeat from my last posting, their ultimate goal is exterminating 85% of the world's human population, leaving 15% to be slaves to care for the elite.
New World Order Rising Book 1
(Story takes place in America, not Europe.)
An isolated island in the Mediterranean
The old man stopped before one of
the huge mirrors that graced most walls in his home. He looked at himself,
looked into his gray eyes, at his blue-gray hair. Yes, he was old, but the
lines on his face—to him—showed his life, the high and low points, the triumphs
and failures, but most of all his rise to near the top of the pyramid. He
looked at his nametag. No, it was not made from plastic and pinned to his suit;
rather it was part of his suit.
It read Masters.
He moved onto his balcony. Still
chilly, but the view of the sunrise was most beautiful there. He walked to the
table and set his drink down, then moved on to the wall overlooking the bay.
The eastern sky was brightening; it wouldn’t be long. He stood there quietly,
thinking…the man from the United States
would be arriving later, with, he hoped, good news. Something he had waited for
all his life. Running his bank and his company, both of which supplied all
sides and elements of war, had been good to him. Financially he had wanted for
nothing, emotionally his life was empty. Any time he wanted a woman, though,
after one phone call usually only ten or fifteen minutes would pass and she
would be there, at his beckoning, for whatever he wanted. They all were good,
adept at their trade but lacking in true emotion.
That’s what his life had need of:
True love. Meaningful emotion. Honesty. Certainly, his servants all did
their best; they all pleased him, and they all took their money and went to
their own homes at night.
Then the phone call came from the
He returned to the table and sat down. The sun cracked the horizon. He took a drink. Vodka especially warmed him in the morning. He watched as the blazing orb left the water of the bay and lifted into low hanging clouds. Then, as if a curtain falling, the clouds reached the water and obscured the fire, but they had not prevented the sunrise. So often it happened in that way.
He smiled.
An hour passed. He heard his cook moving about in the kitchen. He heard his maid straightening up…whatever: Nothing was ever out of place. He heard the doorbell chimes and heard his butler open the door and speak to the visitor.
Another moment passed.
“Sir…?” came the voice of the butler, “Your visitor from the
“Thank you. Show him to the den please.”
“As you wish, sir.”
The old man returned to his balcony and gazed toward the mainland, toward where the masses lived and bred and dirtied their environment. Humanity was destroying the earth. Soon the destruction would stop. Soon the elite would assume their supreme destiny, as guardians and benefactors of the earth. He waited five more minutes, savoring his anticipation, then moved to the door to the den, and opened it.
The man from the
A few seconds passed, then, on a huge wall screen appeared a child, a girl child with hair the color of the richest raw oil. She looked at the camera. Her blue eyes brightened the entire room. She was the epitome of the purest beauty and charm, and more beautiful than the sky and the earth together.
"How old is she?"
"She just passed her sixth birthday, sir."
Then the girl looked behind her. The camera moved to
include the mother, also the rarest of beauty.
"Do you know them?" the old man asked.
"Are they friends?"
"They were, in the past."
"But no longer." The old man observed the younger
man, watching for any sign of falsehood. There appeared to be none. "What
"We grew apart."
"Yes, so many times that happens to childhood
"So you have no qualms?"
"Good. I want the child,” the old man said, “Do as you wish with the mother.”
Thanks for reading
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