Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Anti-Measure 2 Articles Just Keep coming

Well, folks, I'm back. I wanted to quiet the property taxes pen for awhile but the money-spenders keep flaunting their power.
To begin, a couple days ago a small town mayor from North Dakota sent a letter-to-the-editor complaining how passage of Measure 2 would affect...what? His life, evidently. His complaint was, he would have to go to the state legislature to beg for money to run his town. I don't really blame him, as, if the legislature isn't real approachable now, if this measure passes they will have their hands full, so, will be even less approachable. Evidently he didn't mind going to his county chiefs to beg for money though, as all he had to do there was whine, and the Powers-that-be would turn lose the county assessors and soon all government purses would be flush again.
To hell with the property owners!
I feel sorry for this town mayor but he's missing the big picture. The fact is, if the county and state and local governments can't learn how to manage frugal budgets they need to be forced to, which is what passing Measure 2 will do. It will force the Powers-that-be to learn management. Enough about that small town mayor.
In The Forum, Fargo, North Dakota, today, there were two front page articles showing how governments and school boards waste tax payer money. Here's the first headline: "Bluestem wants nearly $5 million in debt forgiven" In the beginning Bluestem was Trollwood, a local song and dance thing ran by the school and located in a park in the north of Fargo. I don't know how they did financially, and I never went to see. But it did seem like a quaint thing happening. I'm all for the a point. So, what do they do, they move this song and dance troupe over to Moorhead in Minnesota, and build a fancy big building. "Quaint," evidently was not in vogue. Again, I haven't been following their progress, but evidently they have not been paying their bills, so now the Fargo North Dakota school board is going to take over control of the center...I don't know, did they ever relinquish control? Anyway, a lot of money is going to both be spent and a lot of debt is going to be forgiven, and where do you think that money will come from?
You guessed it: County property owners paying property taxes on their homes.
You're right: I don't know all the details. I'm basing my opinion just on that headline and what I remember from the past. But I do see property tax money being spent wildly.
The other headline does not affect property taxes...directly. Here's the headline: "Senate approves Vikings stadium plan" A couple days ago, maybe yesterday, the house approved it. And with the liberal governor Minnesota has one can be pretty sure the bill will get his signature.
Also, some time ago, another article stated how the state couldn't afford to make repairs on their capital building. Go figure.
Right, what does "this" have to do with "that?"
Well, the Minnesota legislature has given the go-ahead to spend state money to build that stadium, and where does state money come from? Taxpayers. So, how does this affect property taxes? Like I said, not "directly." But when state coffers start getting bare there will be less money to go for other things, like helping counties and cities and school boards, etc. So where will the county Powers-that-be go then?
You guessed it. Property owners, the people with the never-ending open pocketbooks.
I've said in the past, this issue will all be over on June 2, 2012. I was wrong. I looked at the calendar; it's actually June 5, 2012, so, I say again, folks, go vote that day to end Property taxes. Force the Powers-that-be to learn budget management, like the rest of us.
And the rest of you people in the US, tired of overspending. Watch what happens as North Dakota leads the way, and then you go do the same in your states.
Thanks for reading, folks,
James W. Nelson

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